Monday 23 May 2011

Promotional Work & Exhibition Organisation

Planning for the end of year exhibition is now well under way, and we've had several meetings to discuss what the theme of ours will be. We decided on the word 'burst' as in a burst of inspiration, and created several ideas based on what the invitation would look like. Final decision was that we would utilize both photography and illustration together; photos of all of our faces, with bright, colourful patterns bursting forth out of our heads, and with some sort of typography worked into it. I think this session of working closely with all members of our group worked really well, as we've all been focusing on our own projects and it was nice to come together to pool all of our ideas together into one end result.
For our exhibition we were all assigned individual tasks (though mine was not chosen by me, due to me being ill)

  • Boards ~ Katy
  • Intro/ Feedback ~ Matt
  • Interactive Site ~Me
  • Budget/ Catering ~Ami Lea
  • Slide Show ~Alex
  • Boxes/ Screens ~Ali
During this stage of my project I have also started to create promotional items to advertise my game, i chose; a series of posters, sleeve design and a magazine cover. I've decided to create some original artwork for the game cover, but to keep it as minimal as possible, maybe utilising a silhouette style to depict the main characters. This is because the logo will most likely play a dominant part on the front, so I don't want to create cover art that will clash or detract away from this. 

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