Monday 23 May 2011

End of Project Evaluation: SAVIOR ~Games Concept

For my project I looked at creating a games concept that could be created to address the issue of budgeting imbalance in the games industry, basically a concept that could be created on any budget. I think overall, i achieved this, in an imaginative a way as possible, given the time I had available to complete it and also the knowledge I have of creating games concepts. I know that I could have most definitely have incorporated better time management into this project, as for some reason this year, all my previous ability at time management has gone out the window, hehehe. I had originally planned on creating storyboards and even looking at 3d modelling software to create my main character in, but because of time and the amount it would take to do these things it wasn't possible to include them into the final outcome. During the project I was aware of this however, which is why I decided to do additional things such as promotional designs to fill in the gaps in my brief that I originally planned to do these previous things in.
Because i didn't get to experiment in software i hadn't used before, instead focusing on the traditional element to the games art progression more, I think I didnt really push myself on this project as much as had originally intended. And as im looking at studying game design next year at university, I think it would have benefited me and my project more, if I had managed the time better so that I could use a software program such as MAYA or 3D studio Max. Also, when I first started out with my initial character artwork my main focus was to create a game with a distinct art style, and I think with each characters development they have lost this side of the project with which I originally focused on. its a shame, as I would have like to develop each one of my characters to the level as I did the main character, Benkei, and in a way that reflects the main influences, in traditional Japanese artwork.
Here's a list of some of the positive and negative outcomes to my project as a whole, taking into account what I originally set out to do in my project proposal:


  • Created a whole selection of characters
  • Incorporated both real life people and historical characters together, to come up with a unique style for each character
  • Translated both the game worlds appearance and game play focus into polished environmental artwork
  • Addressed the issue of multi-platform game adaptation, by recreating main characters and level design into low resolution sprites
  • Received good feedback throughout project, and addressed issues raised by fellow classmates and tutors 
  • Created a good Logo, that translates the feel of the game and could be adapted to different media
  • Designed a range of promotional media, to advertise the game
  • Used a wide arrangement of traditional media throughout initial development, and adapted this with digital methods for for the final pieces
  • Researched into the whole Games concept development process
  • Looked at different game industries from different regions, and compared the similarities and differences
  • Highlighted main influences from start to finish, both on here and in work folder
  • Original focus on traditional style not carried through to the end
  • Primary research not as strong as it could have been, ran out of time to contact Concept artists
  • Poor time-management
  • Didn't push myself technologically, didn't get to use 3d software
  • Didn't get to focus on adapting my concept onto lower resolution graphics until the end, and so only got to create 2 characters and a level in this style. Wanted to depict the whole cast in this style
  • Didn't get to create an animated banner, a teaser style advert for use on a web banner
  • Was unable to storyboard a scene from the game due to time restrictions, needed to map out the games progression more clearly
Overall, im very happy with how this project turned out, though as is always the case in such creative briefs, if I had more time or a chance to do things differently I probably would have made the time to do some of the things I had originally set out to do, as this would translate my answer to the initial problem a lot more clearly. 

I found that with the process of making a game, to start with you aren't really given a problem to solve as such, just an idea to create onto a visual platform: the problems come in the form of technical restraints, or how to tackle certain audiences. I suppose I looked at my target audience as part of this project, but I think I could have focused on this aspect of it more in depth.

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