Monday 23 May 2011

Exhibition Final Preparations

Organised roles for FdA first year 'buddies', and started to put plans into action to create our exhibition. We sanded, applied filler and painted the twelve boards we needed for our space, then all assisted in carrying them up to the first floor. We all positioned the boards into the designated spots, and planned what to do next, we basically need to do the following;

  • Sort out how to create the portfolio stands (i drew up polished designs to these, to give to whoever can make them)
  • sort out our work for printing, get costs
  • sort out colours for display boxes
  • sort out work for slideshow (i also need to sort out how im going to attach a monitor to my own board, as I want to display a lot of my work digitally so I need to figure that out)
  • get business cards printed
  • finalise interactive site design
  • get invitations sent out
Once these things are all done, were all pretty much sorted!.......maybe

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