Friday 28 January 2011


I have had a concept in my head for my final major project for well over a year now, though its just been an idea so far. Basically, as I want to pursue a future career as a concept artist in the video-games industry, I often come up with games concepts in my head though I dont get the chance to develop these ideas further. Now that i have the opportunity to build my own brief, I have decided to take my games idea and develop it into a visual form, building on the vague story I have in my head into a complete set of concept artwork, so that if a games company had this to work from they would have everything they need to actually create the game.
Though i am definitely pushing to do this idea for my final choice, i have also looked at a live brief on YCN online that involves creating a form of communication that translates the video-game icon, Sonic the Hedgehog to both new and old gamers alike. If i can schedule my timetable so that i can work on this alongside my original idea i will do so, because it brings in a live brief element into the unit.

In todays lesson, we basically introduced ourselves to the unit, going through the brief with our tutors to outline all of the elements that we have to include in our project: research, creative ideas and organizing feedback and motivating others to interact with your ideas.
We did a brief creative brainstorming task, that involved us considering what projects we would do creatively on a range of budgets: £100, £1000, and £1m. It was a good way of seeing what sort of things we would pursue within the restraints of each budget, though it was all down to our individual interests. I chose to focus on my own interests in illustration and game design, looking at creating original stories for games, graphic novels and even movies. I wanted more than anything, to look at creating a completely original concept for a game, from initial idea all the way through to finished product (though for the sort of epic adventure i have in store for my final major, i dont think £1m would be enough), as its the one thing that i have a passion for: to see truly original ideas within the games industry again, not afraid to take risks with ideas, and to take my stories out there for the world to see.